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How to Pick the Right Product Line For Your Spa or Salon

Oct 14, 2022
Blog post/article, How to Pick the Right Product Line For Your Spa or Salon, beauty business, aestheticians

People want a lot of things from their spa or salon experience, but they all have one thing in common; they want it to be easy. They want to be able to come in, get what they need, and go home feeling great about it.


You have to keep this in mind when picking a product line for your spa or salon. If there are too many options, or if the products aren’t user-friendly for your therapists/aestheticians, then the customer and your employees will have a bad experience.


If you can give your clients what they want without making them spend too much time looking for it or mulling over a decision between options, then you've done your job as a salesperson well!


You also need to make sure that the product line has benefits for both the consumer and for your business as well. That means finding something that makes sense for both parties involved: the client gets what they want (and hopefully loves) and you get sales from those clients.


When it comes to choosing the perfect product line for your spa that will help you continue to scale and attract more customers, you need to ask yourself the following essential questions: 


Is it aligned with my brand? 


Do I personally believe in the product? Does this product work for me?


Is the company reputable? What is their reputation in the industry? 


What kind of customer support do they offer? Are there brand representatives nearby? Are there training or education programs for my employees available?


Let’s dive deeper into these questions and why it’s so important to consider these before you make your decision.


Is it aligned with my brand?


It's important for you to pick a product line for your spa or salon that is truly a good fit for your company and what you stand for. Look up the owner of the company and see if your missions and values align. If it's not something that you feel connected to or enjoy using on yourself or your clients, then it's not going to be successful. If you're going to invest in something, make sure that you can stand behind it 100%.


Your brand should combine who you are as an individual and a company, so make sure that any new products fit into that image. Some spa’s start to become known by the brand they carry. Make sure it represents your brand well and it’s a company you want to be linked to.


This leads us into our next question:


Do I personally believe in the product? Does this product work for me?


If you have not tried out the product you sell in your spa, you should not be selling it. You need to be able to scream about it from the rooftops and stand behind it fully.


I've seen many owners invest money in products they don't believe in and then try and sell them anyway just so they can make some money on them. It doesn't work like that! 


Is the company reputable? What is their reputation in the industry? 


Of course it’s necessary to do research on the product line before making it an edition to your spa. If you see negative reviews and barely any social proof then you know you can make the decision to keep looking. 


Do research to see if they have a social media presence and if they could help your business in marketing. Making sure a brand is reputable is important because as we mentioned before, spas and salons can become known by the brand they carry. Ensure it’s a brand you want to be linked to.


And finally:


What kind of customer support do they offer? Are there brand representatives nearby? Are there training or education programs for my employees available?


One of the most important things to consider when choosing a product line is how much support you will have from the company. You want to be able to contact someone if you have any questions or concerns.


Some brands have exceptional customer service and even offer training and education packages for your employees. This will help your therapists/aestheticians sell the product to the best of their ability and help your clients better and your business. 


Pay attention to how quickly they are responding in day to day communication. Are they answering your questions within a day, two days, or longer? Consider how easy they are to work with and if you think it would be a good choice for the long-term. Product knowledge is on average higher in spas that work with one brand for a longer amount of time than in those that keep switching product lines. Having exceptional product knowledge will allow you to sell the product more effectively.


When it comes to picking a product line for your spa or salon, as long as you ask yourself these questions, you should be on the right track to finding a fitting product line. 

If there’s one thing I would want you to take away from this, it’s that this is a really important decision for your spa and takes you really doing your research. This can be a huge revenue increase for you and your team. You got this!

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